Your Subscription has been Activated

Make It Happen Tipsheet

Thanks for subscribing to Make It Happen – your subscription has been activated. Look for the Make It Happen Tipsheet in your email each and every Tuesday.

If you have a spam filter, now would be a good time to tell it to accept messages coming from us: it will always come from Randall Craig, at the address “[email protected]” or “[email protected]” (sometimes there is a setting in your email program that says “safe senders” or “this is not junk mail”.) To further improve deliverability, please add these addresses to your email system’s address book.

NOTE for Yahoo and Hotmail users: to guarantee delivery, you absolutely must do this. MSN or Sympatico users can do this by going into their Contact area, and looking for a menu option that says “Safe List”.

What next?

  • Visit our online store.
  • Interested in having Randall Craig speak to your group or at your conference?

If you wish to cancel your subscription at any time, simply click the link at the bottom of every email that is sent out.

Welcome aboard!

We do not sell, rent, or exchange our email list with anyone. We will only send you the Make It Happen Tipsheet, and communicate with you about new resources and information available that we provide.